
Unlocking the Power of Networking in Business School: Tips for Building Lasting Professional Relationships

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Business school is not just about acquiring knowledge and earning a degree; it’s also a prime opportunity to build a strong professional network that can support and advance your career. At MEWA Vanguard B School, we believe that networking is a vital skill that students must develop to thrive in the business world. Here are some tips to help you unlock the power of networking and build lasting professional relationships during your time at MEWA Vanguard B School.

1. Engage Actively in Class and Group Projects

Your classmates are your first network. Engage actively in class discussions and group projects to build connections with your peers. Collaborating on projects allows you to understand different perspectives and develop a deeper bond with your classmates. These relationships can evolve into valuable professional connections in the future.

2. Utilize Alumni Networks

MEWA Vanguard B School boasts a strong and supportive alumni network. Reach out to alumni through official channels or social media platforms like LinkedIn. Alumni can offer mentorship, career advice, and even job opportunities. Attend alumni events and webinars to interact with graduates who have successfully navigated the business world.

3. Attend Networking Events and Conferences

Participate in networking events, seminars, and conferences hosted by MEWA Vanguard B School. These events provide excellent opportunities to meet industry professionals, potential employers, and like-minded peers. Prepare a concise elevator pitch about yourself and practice effective communication to make a lasting impression.

4. Leverage Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, are powerful tools for professional networking. Create a compelling LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills, experiences, and aspirations. Connect with classmates, professors, alumni, and industry professionals. Share relevant content, engage in discussions, and join groups related to your field of interest.

5. Seek Mentorship

Finding a mentor can significantly enhance your networking efforts. Professors, alumni, and industry professionals can provide valuable guidance and introduce you to their networks. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for mentorship. A good mentor can help you navigate your career path and open doors to new opportunities.

6. Participate in Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Joining clubs and extracurricular activities at MEWA Vanguard B School allows you to connect with students who share similar interests. Whether it’s a marketing club, finance society, or entrepreneurship group, participating in these activities helps you build relationships outside the classroom. These connections can be beneficial both personally and professionally.

7. Follow Up and Stay Connected

Building a network is not just about making initial connections; it’s about maintaining and nurturing those relationships. Follow up with people you meet, send thank-you notes after meetings or events, and keep in touch regularly. Share updates about your achievements and offer your assistance when needed. Staying connected helps keep your network active and engaged.

8. Volunteer and Give Back

Volunteering for events, causes, or organizations related to your field of interest can expand your network and showcase your commitment to the community. Giving back not only feels rewarding but also helps you meet new people and build meaningful relationships based on shared values.

Real-Life Success Stories

Success Story 1:, MBA Graduate

An MBA graduate from MEWA Vanguard B School, credits her success to the strong network she built during her time at school. Through active participation in class discussions and networking events, Jane connected with industry leaders and secured a prestigious internship. Her mentor, an alumnus, provided invaluable advice that helped her land her dream job post-graduation.

Success Story 2, BBA Graduate

A BBA graduate, leveraged the alumni network to transition from student life to a thriving career in finance. By attending alumni events and staying in touch with his mentors, John gained insights into the industry and secured a position at a top financial firm. His connections at MEWA Vanguard B School continue to support his professional growth.


Networking is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your career trajectory. At MEWA Vanguard B School, we encourage students to actively engage in networking opportunities and build lasting professional relationships. By following these tips and leveraging the resources available, you can create a robust network that will support and enhance your career in the business world. Remember, the connections you make today can become the foundation of your professional success tomorrow.

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